Watersheds: Tiffin
The Tiffin River Watershed (Figure E-1) is one of seven ubwatersheds located within the Maumee River Watershed and one of ten areas
included for study in the Western Lake Erie Basin (WLEB) Project
Area. It represents 7.7% of the Maumee Watershed and 7.1 % of
the WLEB Project Area. A majority of the watershed is used for agricultural purposes (85%) with 96.1% only in partial attainment of applicable water quality use designations. While development is limited, i.e. only small amount of impervious cover (<3%), there is little in the way of natural resource features and the functions they provide remaining in the watershed which can provide water quality improvement and quantity reduction benefits. Funding required to implement potential actions in the watershed total $4,000,000 over 10 years to restore the watershed to health.
Quick Facts
- Watershed Area - 778 square miles
- Empties To - Maumee River in Defiance County, Ohio.
- Land Use - 66.5% cropland, 19.8% pasture, 10.2% woodland.
- Largest Cities - Hudson & Morenci, Michigan. Archibold, Defiance, and Bryan, Ohio.
- Watershed Population - 59,820
- Watershed Counties - Michigan - Lenawee, Hillsdale. Ohio - Fulton, Williams, Defiance, Henry.
Getting Local
Bean Creek Watershed Coalition - Group of residents, farmers, lake
and stream property owners, USDA-NRCS, Conservation Districts, local government representatives, non-profit organizations -- all concerned with protection of the streams and lakes of the Bean Creek Watershed.
Studies & Reports
Tiffin Watershed Assessment
Historical Assessment of Streamflow and Water Quality Activities
WLEB Stakeholder Grants - Rd 1 - Final Report - Lenawee Co